Finally, email marketing that doesn’t suck

Unlock the full potential of your email campaigns with our AI-driven email marketing tool. Engage your audience, increase conversions, and maximize revenue.

Trusted by Leading Ecommerce Brands

Let's face it, email marketing today sucks

Segmentation sucks

It’s the marketing equivalent of herding cats. It's like trying to organize a jigsaw puzzle in a wind tunnel - you put in tons of effort only to watch your well-crafted, hyper-targeted messages get lost in the endless sea of inbox clutter. Who knew being ignored could be so meticulously planned?

Creating flows sucks

It’s like being stuck in a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, where each mole is a customer with the attention span of a goldfish. You spend hours crafting the perfect journey, only to realize your customers are less 'flowing through a funnel' and more 'bouncing off the walls of a pinball machine.'

Unactionable data sucks

It’s like hoarding canned goods for an apocalypse that never comes. You have mountains of data sitting there, growing digital dust, because let's be honest, analyzing it feels like trying to read an encyclopedia backwards. It's the digital equivalent of 'all dressed up and nowhere to go' – loads of potential, zero action.

Let our AI take care of the parts that suck

Isn’t that what all those fancy acronyms and terminology meant for? Instead focus on what matters.

Hyper Personal

We’re here to play personal shopper, mixing and matching content and offers based on your customers likes and dislikes. It's like having a nosy but well-intentioned friend who remembers every little thing you've ever clicked on.

Optimized Content

Why guess which subject line works when a robot can do it for you? It's the ultimate email overlord, crunching numbers and testing lines like '50% off' versus 'Huge Sale!' with the enthusiasm of a scientist in a lab coat.

Pricing that works for you

We don’t charge you for how many contacts you upload! Hell, bring em’ all.

Basic Plan
We know, it’s awesome
$5 CPM
Dedicated account manager
Unlimited contact upload
AI content generation
Unlimited campaigns
Automated segmentation and email flows

Lets make email marketing suck less, together

Seen enough and ready to put your email list work for you and your brand? Let's talk.